Halloween Safety Tips For Your Furry Spook
Halloween can be the spookiest night of the year, but keeping your pets safe doesn’t have to be tricky. By following these recommendations and precautions, your night will be a treat. Keep your little fur ghouls and goblins safe by: Hiding The Treats: The candy bowl is meant specifically for little human trick-or-treaters, not Fido…
Read MoreThe Dog Walk: What Do Your Mid-Day Walks Entail?
Picture this. You are stuck at the office during lunch and can’t get home, or you are at an evening social event that you just can’t break away from to get home and walk your dog. You panic and start to feel guilty that you can’t be there to take your fur baby on a…
Read MoreWhat’s My Role? : How to Prepare for Your Pet Sitter Caring for Your Pets
You have called us and made us your choice for taking care of your pet (thank you!), but what are the next steps in the process? You may be asking what you as a pet owner can do to prepare for your pet sitter to care for your fur babies? Here are a few answers…
Read MoreCelebrate the Warmer Weather by Hiking with Your Dog: 5 Great Places to Hike with Your Dog in the Raleigh Area
Spring has officially sprung in Raleigh! With this season comes more time spent outdoors and more playtime for you and your pet. One of the best ways to get out and get exercise with your furry friend is to go on hikes around the area. We have compiled a list of five places you can…
Read MoreA Watchful Eye and Peace of Mind: Minimum Visit Requirements
We know that your pet is not only your best friend but also a member of your beloved family. The peace of mind knowing your furry friend is in the best care while you are away is our primary focus. We give the most attentive care and watchful eye we possibly can when it comes…
Read MoreEnsure a Pets Care in an Emergency
It’s not something people like to think about often, but what would happen to your pet if you were incapacitated or unable to care for them? Just like children, animals need constant care, love, and attention. Without those things, the animals can suffer- get into things they shouldn’t, get sick, or even disappear. Even if…
Read MoreOverwhelmed by the Toy Aisle? Keep These Tips in Mind.
Choosing the right toy is almost as tough for some pet owners as it was choosing their furry friend. There are so many options to choose from for your dog or cat- how do you find the right one? At Raleigh Pet Sitters, we want you and your pets to remain happy and healthy. Having…
Read MoreTo Help your Cat Keep Its Cool This Summer, Consider These Tips
For all their differences, cats and dogs have a few things in common, particularly that they need special care during the summer months to keep them both cool and healthy. At Raleigh Pet Sitters, we know how important your cat is to you and we want to help you keep them healthy and happy this…
Read MoreFour Tricks to Entertain and Keep Your Dog Safe
Stimulate, Entertain, and Train Your Dog With a Few Simple Tricks If you’re concerned that your dog doesn’t get enough stimulation you might want to consider teaching him (or her) a few tricks. Not only does this increase interaction and stimulation, but it helps your dog stay sharp, and depending on the trick may help…
Read More5 Pieces of Information to Give a Pet Sitter for a Successful Relationship
Pets are like children for many individuals and when it comes time to bring someone in to care for them- whether for something as simple as a walk during the workday or something more demanding, like pet sitting for a few days while you’re out of town, it can be concerning. At Raleigh Pet Sitters,…
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